Pool & Spa

O3 Science Inc.'s Commercial Ozone Generators eliminate the need for harsh chemicals.

Swim Zone

Sparkling clean pool water using far less chemicals. Ozone will not cause red eye or skin itch, problems associated with Chlorine or Salt systems.

O3 Science Inc., has several systems that work well in pools and spas.

What is Ozone? Ozone is a gas that is dissolved in water to kill microorganisms, destroy organics, and break down chloramines by oxidation. This occurs immediately at the ozone gas injection point and continues as the side-stream remixes with the main return. A small residual (~0.1 PPM) of dissolved ozone will enter the pool to provide further oxidation of contaminants.

Ozone vs. Chlorine

Ozone completely replaces chlorine in most pool and spa applications. On commercial and public pools, the Health Department requires 1 PPM of chlorine to be used. The most effective sanitizer routine you can enact is with an O3 Science Ozonator as your primary sanitizer. Ozone does kill all bacteria's and viruses in the water.

Why Doesn't the Pool Tech Talk About Ozone?

Chlorine is the traditional way of sanitizing homeowner's pools in the United States. Ozone, on the other hand, has been used widely in Europe, Canada, and the U.S. in commercial or public pools for many years. Most pool technicians were trained to use chemicals for pool water maintenance and they tend to rely on what they know. Heavy chemical use under the continuous control of an expert can eliminate most dangers and pool techs want this security. But now ozone systems are available that are safe, reliable, and effective. There is no reason to use the complicated chlorine-based sanitizer routines that are prone to getting out of balance.

Keep in mind that chlorine has the following significant drawbacks as a stand-alone pool sanitizer:

  • Chlorine is hard to maintain at the proper level, whereas ozone is injected automatically with a proper installation.

  • Many recreational water illnesses, like red eye and swimmers itch, are caused by the by-products of chlorine, which are called chloramines. Ozone destroys these by-products to eliminate concern.

  • Over time, chlorine is expensive. O3 Science Inc.'s swimming pool sanitizers will save hundreds of dollars per year in chemical costs for pool users.

  • Chlorine reacts with other organics in pool water – like sweat, urine, and other human fluids – and creates dangerous chemicals like nitrogen trichloride and aldehydes. Ozone helps avoid this by replacing a majority of the chlorine, and by oxidizing the organics so the remaining chlorine can do its job much more safely.

What is UV? UV light inactivates about 20% – 30% of microorganisms and breaks down chloramines with light energy. This happens while the water is in the UV chamber only, and if the water has no turbidity. It’s also appropriate to note that UV disinfects, whereas ozone will destroy the contaminants completely.

Ozone vs Salt

Some people enjoy the feel and smell of salty water. However, pool owners are beginning to see that using salt to clean pool water has significant adverse effects.

  • Salt generators replace industrial chlorine with locally made chlorine. All chlorine introduced into the pool, by ANY method, makes hypochlorous acid. The problems with chlorine remain, although at a less intense level.

  • One important implication of this is that you must maintain the pool chemistry just as carefully with salt generators as with any other form of chlorine – the chemistry balancing act is just as hard with salt.

  • Salt creates a disposal problem.

  • Salt is corrosive. It will damage hardscapes, surfaces, and other pool parts and components, which will require repair.

Salt Water Pools Are Old News

The saltwater pool fad began in Australia. When the salt chlorinators are working properly (meaning they are properly sized and installed, and regularly cleaned), they can maintain a low level of chlorine in the pool. As a source of residual chlorine, they can function adequately. However, as the primary sanitizer, they also create the negative side effects which were previously mentioned.

Ozone as the Primary Sanitizer

When a pool ozone generator is used as the primary sanitizer, a small amount of Algicide and clarifier at low levels can make for an excellent system without the side effects of high salt and chlorine usage.

Call today for more info and pricing.